The Adding machine
The Adding Machine is a recent project that involves our adaptation of the expressionist play taking it from conception to realization showcasing the process of bringing this play to life in a new and unique way. One aspect of this project that I was particularly involved in was the construction of the set specifically designed for the screen, presenting a challenging yet rewarding opportunity. This was the first screen based project I have ever worked on and ultimately in my department there were not many differences to theatre however later on down the line this is where the process became notably different.
The design presented to us by the set designer was a challenging one, but directly reflected the nature of the script and we aimed to achieve this as best as possible, constantly liasing with the desginer to advise on any changes that needed to be made to ensure a safe and working set. As a whole this project was a unique experience as it was filmed in our on campus immersive room which consisted of 3 large-scale digital screens so there was less set to construct in this sense, however it meant I could work alongside the screen designers to ensure a cohesive design.